
DryCat Gin - From Brazil To London

Find out about this London Spirits Competition winner , Brazilian Distillery and its wide range of Gin and other small batch products

DryCat Destilaria is a Brazilian distillery, set up in the middle of the city in Vitória. It has a wide range of Gin and products made in small batches. Awarded at USA Spirits Rating 2019 and now with gold, silver and bronze medals at London Spirits Competition 2020, it stands out as one of the Brazilian distilleries with great national recognition.

Message from the founder - how it all began

Copper, fire, art and sweat: That was how DryCat was born, which initially did not have that name. In fact, I had no name! But since it is to tell a story, shall we do it right? Let's go to the beginning! In mid-2017 two friends, a designer and a photographer decided to start creating spirits. The question is: What do a designer and photographer understand about distillation? At the time, almost nothing! What existed was a great curiosity, the one that took one of them to London. There he visited distilleries of different formats and discovered the Urban Distilleries model, set up in the middle of the city and with a great diversity of products.

Curiosity became a decision and thus, with the return to Brazil, they bought the first still. Purchased still, the next mission was to find a name! Easy task for the two creative professionals, right? Wrong! They came to the conclusion that if there is anything difficult in this world, it is naming things! Think of a plethora of bad names! But behold, a PMS came to the rescue.

That's right, PMS! Calm down, I explain: The girlfriend of one of the partners was in this period, let's say, a little foggy, of women's lives. The boyfriend, observing and being a victim of that “wonderful” humor typical of the moment, had the idea of ​​calling the company “skittish cat”. Yes, another bad name, but it served to discover that the cat (who became a cat) would be the brand icon. Bingo! women's lives.

The Logo

As the production would be Gin, which is a product for the most part without post-distillation additions, and therefore considered “dry”, they arrived at the “dry cat”! And so, referring to the great world producer, England, the name DryCat was born.

Alembic installed on a terrace, defined name, then came the biggest challenge: understanding the functioning of that, until then, strange equipment and creating The DryCat Gin. After several sleepless nights by the fire, burnt arms and countless unsuccessful tests, DryCat's Gin Seco appears! Armed with a few bottles and two wooden faces, they took to the street in search of professional evaluation.

The answers were surprisingly good! Still, in this experimentation phase, the other partner went to São Paulo to take a specialization course in the production of Gin and met several producers and passionate about the drink. Of course, he took a bottle for everyone to taste and the feedback there was also incredibly positive! After that, the recipe underwent some minor adjustments and that's it! The formula for the delicious DryCat Gin was defined!

And since everything was going so well, the two crazy people decided to take another step. DryCat deserved a home! So they set up the first gin distillery in Espírito Santo. I didn't have a lot of money, the bureaucratic process was such a pain, but with a lot of work and persistence, at the end of 2018 DryCat was fully regularized on Santa Maria Island. But in a short time, the small factory did not support the demand! Sales grew more than expected and that is why today DryCat works at its new headquarters in the bohemian neighborhood of Jucutuquara.

Electronic stills, pump filling equipment, cooling towers, standardization, control and filtering equipment in addition to a beautiful physical space made DryCat's production capacity jump! The production is now 300 liters of distillate per day! Oh, and in the middle of it all, DryCat won the most beautiful alcoholic beverage label award in Brazil at the 6th Prize - ABIEA 2019, with London Dry, also receiving a Bronze medal in USA Spirits Rating 2019. The only award winner in America Latina! Is it to fill the capixaba heart with pride or not?

And it's not over yet! But the story is being told now by social networks! Follow us on @drycatgin and always stay on top of everything that these two friends are preparing for you.


Drycat Nut Gin - Gold medal at London Spirits Competition

Nut Gin is a tour of provocative sensations that only Brazil nuts provide. Floral and woody notes make up this unique proposal for one of the most traditional spirits in the world. A creation for those who appreciate quality and exclusivity.

The cat by the hands of the great Kessy Borges.

London Dry Gin - Silver at London Spirits Competition

Created from the renowned London Gins it comes to be part of the letter of professional mixologists and passionate about the art of cocktail making. Traditional ingredients, with striking aromas and flavors, make DryCat London Dry the perfect base for the most diverse creations. Our night cat for him ... Zota Coelho.

Drycat Gin Seco - Bronze at London Spirits Competition

The bold and complex sensorial experience between aromas and flavors, DryCat is a gin with a unique personality. A delicious infusion of tropical, Mediterranean and Asian ingredients. A contemporary to aromatic with the personality of DryCat. This alchemy makes DryCat perfect for a gin & tonic or your favorite drink. The art? Nothing more, nothing less than Radael Jr.

2021 London Spirits Competition submissions are now open. Enter your spirits brand today to get super early bird pricing.

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